At the time of buying new property, more than often a person finds himself or herself at crossroads. This crossroads is the choice between a realtor and one of the Logan Utah Real Estate Agents. Contrary to popular notions, a realtor and a real estate agent is not same. The main difference between the two is the credentials. Apart from this, there are many striking differences between Logan Utah Real Estate Agents and realtors.
A realtor is much more experienced in this field than a real estate agent. Though both the parties are licensed, a realtor has to work harder to get the proper credentials for his or her job. This entails the realtor a further degree of expertise on the subject than any Logan Utah Real Estate Agents.
- Being members of a recognized organization, like the National Association Of Realtors, a realtor has to adhere to a strict code of ethics and ensure that the principles are being closely followed. These rules are set to provide a higher standard of ethical practice than the currently existing one. On the other hand, real estate agents also, in a way, perform the same tasks as realtors, but they don’t have any strict code they have to follow. However, this doesn’t mean that the Logan Utah Real Estate Agents do not have any ethical guidelines.
Whenever a real estate agent gets licensed, there is a standard which it expects the candidate to have. This includes education, experience, age etc. He or she is also expected to follow certain guidelines. These guidelines and obligations are fairly simple and include things like protecting the client’s confidentiality, obey the instructions of the particular property, maintaining client’s interest above own, etc. It is also expected from the agent that he or she would report any discrepancies in the contract and, for that matter, the property as well. On the other hand, a realtor has to obey all the above stated guidelines as well as the code of ethics, issued to him or her.
All in all, one must choose a realtor or a real estate agent according to his or her purchasing or selling requirements. While a realtor has more experience, a real estate agent might be able to provide the client, a newer and fresher perspective. A lot of times, realtors hire real estate agents to handle certain jobs for their firms! In that way, the hired real estate agent is likely to follow the strong ethical guidelines of the much senior realtor. No matter whom a person chooses, there are a few things he or she must ascertain before hiring a realtor or real estate agent. First and foremost, he or she should be licensed from a recognized authority. Secondly, ask them if it is their part time job or a full time one. Thirdly, commissions, fees and other costs should be cleared in the very beginning. Lastly, one should look at the current properties they have to get an idea about their areas of expertise. Regardless of the situation, a realtor or Logan Utah Real Estate Agents must always make the customer, his or her top priority.